We assess your property to determine if remediation is necessary

Finding out where mould is coming from and removing the source stops it coming back.

What is remediation?

Remediation is the act of removing damaged construction materials in which mould is present.

Such remediation should be done with precaution due to health concerns for the occupants and the contractor who is doing the work. Remediation will be necessary where there is water damage.  In the remediation, the source of the water damage must also be addressed such as fixing the leak. 

If the source of water is not fixed then mould will continue to be a problem no matter what other remediation or sanitisation is carried out.

What are the criteria we use to assess whether remediation is necessary?

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Once the remediation is complete then the property must be sanitised to kill the mould particles which are not visible but are in the air and on surfaces throughout the property.